Obecala sam da cu biti vrednija, ne? :) Slede utisci o frisko gledanim filmovima na FESTu koje ispisah na mojim Fijmovima i krecem od dva sjajna ostvarenja koja nemaju ama nista zajednicko.
"L'etrange couleur des larmes de ton corps" (Bruno Forzani, Helene Cattet, 2013)
A man returns home from a business trip and discovers that his wife is missing. After failing to find her within the building he calls the police and slowly - thanks to the exceedingly odd story told to him by the exceedingly odd woman who lives upstairs - becomes increasingly obsessed with the idea that she has never left at all and whatever happened to her happened somewhere within the walls of the utterly gorgeous apartment building they call home
Definitivno namenjem ljubiteljima stilizovanog giallo zanra, "Cudna boja suza tvoga tela" (kakav naziv!) je kao stvoren da vas gotovo paralise svojim lepotama ali istovremeno i opomene da ste se ipak nasli na opasnoj teritoriji, muceci vas pomalo sa insistiranjem na pokazivanju svog znanja o formi i pravilima igre, bas kao sto i glavne junake belgijski duo muci iritantnim zvonjenjem, femme fatalle devojkama sa bodezima i predivno art-novo-dekorisanim tajnim prolazima.
Meni je dosta prijao pogotovo kada se osvrnem na celokupnu atmosferu i vizuelnu stranu (sta reci za zgradu) koja kao da je vremenski smestena u nekom davnijem i kako bi nam se moglo uciniti ukusnije namestenom periodu. Mogao je slobodno trajati i pola sata krace posto je bilo vise repetitivnih stvari bez kojih smo mogli (ne mislim na onu scenu sa zvonjenjem koja je bila bas efektna vec neke druge) ali nije da to nisam ocekivala s obzirom na njihov prethodni film, "Amer". Ovo je za mene bolje ostvarenje jer nije cisto slavljenje zanra koliko je Amer, vec ima neceg vise privlacnog u sebi.
It's a launching point that seems clear and simple on the page, so you would be forgiven for assuming that Strange Colour would be clear and simple on the screen as well. You would be wrong. Stunningly beautiful to look at, yes, with every frame filled with utterly gorgeous art direction. Immensely stylish? Oh, a big yes there as well, Forzani and Cattet pushing their camera movements, editing and sound design choices far into the forefront with frequently inspiring results. But simple? Straightforward? If that's what you're looking for you are in absolutely the wrong place.
Despite the simple premise The Strange Colour Of Your Body's Tears is, if anything, more experimental than was Amer. Time behaves oddly, logic seems to loop and fold back in on itself, the story splinters and diverges frequently. Like Amer, Strange Colour is meant to be an experience felt somewhere in the subconscious, the experience following some sort of dream logic as it becomes progressively odder and odder with the visuals and ultra-aggressive sound design combining for a potent sensory experience. Laced with the sort of violence and sexual content that was the giallo movement's stock in trade - and again using a soundtrack with music lifted from classics of that age - it's tempting to reference Strange Colour as a sort of neo-giallo, a term applied frequently to its predecessor. But it's not, really. It's something else, a strange new language that uses those familiar elements as their base while going off in some other direction. And while it may very well be the case that Forzani and Cattet are the only ones who really speak that language at present - a fact that many will find frustrating as they try to work their way through it - there is a definite fascination with trying to unlock its mysteries.
Dakle...sve je tu (kuca, stepenice, golisavost, nozevi/bodezi, koza, krv, ~mracne strane licnosti, krupni planovi ociju, momenti "taman sam shvatio sta se desava kad..", karakteristicna muzika i sta sve ne - mogu se prepoznati toliki filmovi)
Sto se tice muzike koja kao i uvek cini sastavni deo atmosfere, vecinom su to dela iz 70tih i tu je ocekivano i Morikone, ali u filmu to sve zvuci jos bolje :)
Pomalo mi je i zao sto ne gledam ovakva ostvarenja nevino - bez ikakvog iskustva sa filmovima koje slavi - i u tom smislu mogu da zavidim onima kojima je ovo prvi, velicanstveni dodir sa lepom stranom horor umetnosti.
Takodje se ipak nadam da Brunov i Helenin sledeci film nece biti u ovom fazonu, vec da ce nam dati nesto sasvim drukcije sa istaknutijim licnim pecatom.
Nije za svaciji ukus, no mislim da ce onim izdrzljivim filmofilima kojima nedostaje lep horor pruziti uzitak. Ako krenete da se razmisljate izmedju Amera i ovog (mislim da nije potrebno gledati oba), definitivno se pozabavite sa Cudnom bojom.
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